Sago Studio

AI future starts now with our new mobile innovator

Revolutionary AI-Driven Mobile Apps Designed for the Future

The MaySew Design

At Sago Studio

we're driven by a relentless pursuit of innovation.

Since our inception, we' ve empowered millions of users worldwide through our cutting-edge apps, including,, AI Photo and Art Generation, LingoAI, and more.

Creating the Impossible? Maybe.

We're All In.

Much like the pioneers in technology, we forge our own path in technology and product development. Our story began, and in no time, we garnered a community of millions. Yet, our journey has just begun. We're committed to pioneering and pushing boundaries, striving to create something that transcends the ordinary.

Functional Meets Gorgeous

Every product we craft is not just user-friendly; it's a visual masterpiece. We believe in making the complex simple and the beautiful functional.
Discover our stunning Products.